Michelle Emily


"Nothing in this world, or the heavenly realms, can overcome you once you know who you are." ~ Mooji ~"

I'm a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT 200 Yoga Teacher and Trauma Informed Healing Practitioner. My yoga journey began 14 years ago practicing Ashtanga Mysore learning from traditional authentic Indian teachers. From quite a young age a seed was planted within my heart to begin looking deeply into the root of trauma. I've always embodied a high level of sensitivity and have an empathic ability to sense and connect with the energies of other people and the realm of spirit quite naturally. On my journey of self discovery I went through immense transformation after a few encounters with plant medicine. The ceremonies in Costa Rica opened up a space for profound generational healing from toxic patterns of conditioning. ​In my sessions I will utilize my strong experience from within my own yoga practice & trauma release/somatic bodywork to hold space in a very gentle, nurturing way that supports your own healing & empowerment.


Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner

Yoga Alliance Certified Trauma Informed Teacher Training

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