Lauren Jacobs

" Exhale...and then keep on keeping on. The practice will meet you where you are. "

Lauren Beth Jacobs is a yoga, fitness, and wellness coach with over 15 years teaching experience. Always on the go (a government ethics lawyer, wife, and mama to Imoen, 1-year-old and Elias, 4-years-old), Lauren aims to help people to identify fun, realistic ways to slow down and integrate healthy practices into their everyday, busy lives. Find out more about Lauren from her yoga and fitness offerings, favorite gluten-free recipes, and free tips for transforming your health on her Instagram (@laurenupsidedownorsideways) and website (

My Philosophy

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill A yoga practice is just that, a yoga practice. The most important thing is to keep on showing up.

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