Mindset Monday Hypnosis

Hypnosis Healing
All Levels
Mon Nov 29
(UTC-05:00) New York
60 min

About this class

As we kick off the new week it's helpful to create a positive mindset that can support us throughout our life. These Mindset Monday Hypnosis sessions will focus on self-development, personal growth, motivation, focus, mindfullness, healthy choices, healthy relationships, and more. 

Consider this your time to prime! 

Join me, as I guide you through gentle and calming guided visualization to relax the body, mind, and to activate the subconcious mind. The subconcious mind is in charge of over 95% of our brain's processsing capabilities. Thanks to neuroscience we understand how neural pathways are created, strengthened and re-routed creating new beliefs, behavior, and perspectives. Hypnosis is a tool to activate very efficient neuroplasticiy! Meaning, we can change and grow to be greater versions of ourselves in a calm, relaxing, safe environment. 

Hypnosis encourages stress reduction, known to reduce inflammation, encourage more restful sleep, and a host of other benefits. Everyone is welcome, especially if it is your first time! 

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A person will only enjoy hypnosis and go into a theta brain state (the same state as when they are first falling asleep and first waking up) if they want to, and believe the suggestions are beneficial for themselves. You are very much in control as you are in a heightened state of awareness and deep focus. 

Hypnosis has been so beneficial to myself and my clients. Hypnosis has completely changed my life. I have found it to be one of the most powerful and empowering tools I've experienced along my spiritual/personal development. 
I am honored to facilitate this work and I look forward to supporting you on your path! 

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or would like to explore deeper personal transformation as private 1:1 session(s).

With Gratitude, 

Morgan Lulu

You will focus on

  • positive mindset
  • healthy choices
  • mindfulness
  • self-development

How to come prepared

  • open mind
  • comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed
  • light blanket as the body can drop a bit in temperature, not required but may be enjoyable
  • earbuds/headphones, not required but enjoyable