Yin Yoga - The happy hour to your weekend

Yin Yoga
All Levels
Sun Apr 18
(UTC-05:00) New York
60 min

About this class

Yin yoga to give release and add focus to your body and mind. See my intro & demo here: https://youtu.be/5-VADgdCgQE

Yin yoga is a passive, still practice that works into the deeper layers of connective tissue, joints, and ligaments to release chronic held tension and to restore vitality and health to these important tissues. Unlike the muscles, which are more yang parts of our bodies, the connective tissues need to be addressed with a quiet attitude of acceptance. Postures are practiced seated or reclining and are held for several minutes at a time. This practice also targets the meridian lines of Traditional Chinese Medicine/acupuncture to enhance the body's immunity, create emotional equilibrium and promote the balanced flow of chi or prana. Yin Yoga balances the yin and yang aspect of ourselves through a strong, sweet practice that will challenge you physically and mentally. Yin yoga is appropriate for students of all levels.

You will focus on

  • Allowing the energy of the weekend to wind down, get wrung out and prepared you for your week ahead.
  • Guiding you in supporting your body for it's best release.

How to come prepared

  • Have the following props available to you from your mat: Bolster, rolled up blanket, two blocks.
  • The following props are optional: a 3-5 lb hand weight, 10 lb sandbag -or- 5 lb bag of rice.
  • Dress cozy and comfortably. Yin Yoga is a "cold" practice so I suggest if you are cold natured, to have layers to apply as your body cools, especially for Savasana.