Maria Coffee


"A million failures are the best guides for success."

My name is Maria Coffee, my spiritual name is Teg Saraswati. I was born in Germany and live in the US since 2006. As a teacher, I intend to help you grow and live a meaningful, focused, and purpose-driven life. No matter where you are at or how discouraged you may feel. From my experience, nothing is impossible even in the worst conditions. I was able to free myself of severe childhood trauma, a violent marriage, and later an unfulfilled and empty life. The foundation to make this possible was Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, one of the best decisions in my life. Through several certification training and the experiences of my liberation, including improving my health, I am now in the position to support students to grow out of their limitations and start living towards love, happiness, and purpose in their life. I am certified as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher since 2012. Inclusive: Authentic Relationships, Mind and Meditation, Yoga for Youth, Incarcerated and at Risk, Emotion Code Practitioner trained in Body Code and 3-Dimensional Therapy.


Certification Yoga For Youth, Incarcerated and at Risk

KRI certified: teacher level 1 / Level 2, Authentic Relationships, Mind and Meditation

Mind and Meditation / Authentic Relationships

Kundalini Yoga teacher / Mind and Meditation / Authentic Relationships

Emotion Code / Body Code / Three Dimensional Therapy

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