Jen Kagan


"“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Rumi "

HI! I'm a certified Iyengar teacher with more than 20 years of experience teaching and countless hours of training. I have lived in Mexico for 10 years with a studio in San Miguel de Allende. I closed it due to COVID and am only online offering immersion courses. One day, I hope we can all retreat together again in beautiful Mexican locations. I am particularly interested in offering workshops around the theme of loss and grief. I started yoga to heal physical injury but have stayed because this path not only supports me in my life but pushes me to become a better person off the mat. I love using the body to understand the mind!


My Philosophy

A consistent, curious, cheerful practice manifests awareness and with awareness transformation can occur. What we do on the mat with effort and joy can only be helpful if we are also applying the gems and lessons to our life.

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