Alícia Ferreira


"Each of us has the capacity to heal ourselves and bring happiness to life. Face your own truth requires courage and it's the first step to your conscious life journey that will lead you to a happy and balanced life."

I have a Nursing Degree since 2009. As I started my awakening process 8 years ago after an intense Reiki Session, I decided to follow my inner truth on the way to the natural and energetic therapies, starting a deep life-changing process on my own, allowing myself to face my shadow side and heal from the inner to the outer world. In the last 7 years I leaned over subjects like conscious Nutrition, Naturopathy, Consciousness, Emotions, Meditation, Yoga, Aromatherapy, Energetic body (Chakras), Quantic Physics, Relationships and Spirituality. Having a strong background on psychology and a natural ability to empathize and create rapport with others, I saw myself naturally engaged into this holistic approach to heal me and to help others on their path of true. I qualified in several Holistic courses, focusing on Therapeutic Qigong, Coaching, Tantra and Shamanism, and Conscious Sexuality. Backpacker for the last 3 years, I've been absorbing ancestral knowledges and practices from indigenous tribes and experiencing multicultural approaches to connect with my inner wisdom. In 2019 I organized a Retreat in Ecuador named “Ancestral Cultivation of Life Force Energy” through multicultural approaches, where I facilitated a Chakra Journey, Feminine Sexual Energy Activation, Kundalini Activation, Reiki, Therapeutic Qi-gong, Heart Chakra Meditation and Cacao Ceremony. From 2019 I've been working in festivals as an Holistic Therapist at the Wellness area, providing Intuitive Holistic Coach, Reiki sessions and Therapeutic Qigong. In 2020, I spent 6 months in Mexico, providing Holistic Coach, Reiki and Chakra’s Journey. Later on, in Portugal I created a workshop focused on “Feminine Sexual Energy Activation” which now is ongoing.


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